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Welcome to my website, where I share information and blog about education, sustainability and transition. In 2014, I co-founded a primary school in Copenhagen where we implemented a radical approach to educating children, bringing together tools from various fringe and mainstream schooling traditions, in an attempt to create a sustainable pedagogy. Starting a radical school was a wild ride – exhilarating as well as sobering – and it taught me a whole lot about the challenges we face when we want to change how we educate, and reinforced my intuition that primary education is a really good place to start tackling the sustainability transition.


First of all, primary education reaches three different and crucial constituencies – children, families (parents and grandparents) and teachers. We can’t change the way we educate without changing the way teachers work, and without the buy-in and simultaneous re-education of parents and grandparents. And engaging in action together, building a school, participating in the day-to-day life of focusing on learning and sustainability at the same time; that is a powerful way to educate us all.

Infrastructure of education

Secondly, and just as importantly, while individual choices and actions can change the world, it is important to change infrastructure as well. And by infrastructure I don’t just mean roads and phone lines, but all the virtual and physical ways we organize our societies. That is why we thought of the school as a transition project, working locally to change one puzzle piece of the infrastructure that channels our actions and ways of seeing the world.

Radical education

I will be writing here about my experiences, and about radical education and sustainability transition, and it is my hope that sharing my thoughts with you, dear readers, will inspire you to think differently about these issues. If you have any questions or comments to what you find here, I hope you will reach out to me for clarification and dialogue.

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